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(12/03/2006) 12/03/2006

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Well it has been awhile since I have updated! We have been soooo busy! We had a GREAT flight home. We had our own row and Abbey slept the entire time! YEAH! Then Thursday we put more toys in the store and tried to get back on schedule and we went and got our Christmas tree when Steve got home from work. On Friday Abbey had appointments at the U of M and they went great! She is growing well moving up on the chart for her height! So we don't need to go back there for 6 months! Saturday I went and got some Christmas shopping done in the morning and then went to visit Jen who is doing wonderful! She looks great!! Then last night we had a Christmas party with the fire department. Today we didn't do much! Abbey has been so good and her sleeping schedule is getting back on track! We had a great time in Montana and we miss everyone so much already! I will add more pictures from the trip when my cd comes in the mail, we had some technical difficulties with the cd. So check out pictures and updates on Simon's website listed on the bottom of the page. I will add more Abbey pictures in the next few days!

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