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(05/02/2006) 5/1/2006

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We had a great weekend. Jenny's wedding was so much fun. Abigail did very well at church she didn't make too much noise. Half way through the wedding ceremony she decided to fill her diaper so her Dad took her out and changed her it was pretty stinky! Abbey spent a lot of time with her Grandma & Grandpa this weekend while Mama and Daddy were at the wedding and out with friends on Friday night. When we got home after the wedding at about 12:30am Grandpa and Abbey where hanging out on the couch. I guess she didn't want to go to sleep that night, but she gave us some smiles and then we put her to bed.

Abigail has been eating so much better. She had 8 oz before she went to bed on Friday night, and on the way to the church on Saturday she had 4 oz and then during the ceremony she had 4 more oz. So I think the medication is finally working for her and she is comfortable enough to eat more. Sleeping the on the other hand is a different story. I have no idea why she isn't sleeping very well. Last night I was up with her every hour and the night before wasn't much better. Last night at 1:00am she decided she wanted to get up. So I took her up and changed her diaper and then we looked at her fish tank and then I put her back to bed. I hope it isn't like that tonight! We will see!

Abigail has an Elmo doll that sings songs and talks and Abbey use to be so afraid of it but now she loves it. When ever I turn it on she gets a huge smile on her face and starts laughing. She loves it! So that is her new favorite toy!

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