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(09/17/2006) Dozinky

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This weekend was so crazy busy but it was a lot of fun. On Friday we went downtown and hung out with pretty much everyone we know and the whole town of New Prague. They close Main Street and there are people everywhere! So Abbey got to show everyone how she loves to walk around. Then at about 9:30 she was starting to get tired so Grandma Margaret and Grandpa Dan took her to our house and then we walked home an hour later.

Then on Saturday we met Grandma JoAnn at 11:30 to watch the parade that started at 12:00. It was fun Abbey got to see Steve walking in the parade with the other firemen. She also loved the horses in the parade too. Then after the parade was over we walked down to the park where the firemen were having water fights. We watched them for awhile and then we decided we wanted to give it a try, so the wives stepped in and it was a blast! We need to practice up for next year though. Then Grandma JoAnn took Abbey to her house for the night and we had a fun night out with our friends. Then today Grandma JoAnn took Abbey shopping and then brought her home this afternoon so it was a nice break for me! It is going to be an early night for all of us it was a long weekend and we are all really tired!

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