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(10/17/2006) 10/17/2006

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Well Abbey had a good weekend with Grandma! She was a good girl and slept well and they had a ton of fun. They went to the apple orchard and went to visit Great Grandma Helen a couple times too. She has been doing a couple signs. Not all the time but we are working on it. When she is done eating she will raise her arms in the air and that means all done. Sometimes we have to remind her but she will do it. We have been working on more too. She gets it but we still have to work on that one quite a bit too. She has been such a happy girl and soooo much fun! She was sooooo happy to see us when we got home on Sunday she wasn't quite sure what to do with herself. She was walking in circles and laughing! It was so cute!

I think she is getting some more teeth. Today she has felt warm and she has been pretty fussy this afternoon. She is also drooling like crazy so it has to be that. Poor baby! I hope she get those teeth soon!

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