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(09/27/2006) 9/27/20060

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We started something new this past weekend. Steve and I decided that if Abbey woke up in the middle of the night to just let her cry. Well the first night wasn't so fun she woke up at 1:30 and screamed for 45 minutes but then didn't wake up again until 5:00 or so. Then the next night she woke up at about 1:30 again but only cried for about 5 or 10 minutes and every night from then it has pretty much been the same. So we are happy with how well it is actually going pretty soon I am sure she just won't get up. Well that is what we are hoping! Her bedtime is now 8:00 so it is nice to have a time and to also have more time after she goes to bed to get things done.

This week so far has been a good week so Abigail must be feeling better. She hasn't been up for taking naps lately but I am okay with it as long as she isn't getting up a million times a night! :) Friday we head to Eau Claire so we are excited about that!

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