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(06/09/2006) Sleeping in crib

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Well Abigail is sleeping in her crib for the first time since we got the Amby bed! It took an hour for her to actually go to sleep and I had to keep laying her down over and over again but she finally caved! YEAH!! She has been getting really cramped in her Amby bed and now she can flip over in it the only way out if for her to fall out and we don't want that to happen. So it is definitely time for her to start sleeping in her big crib.

Her ENT appointment on Wednesday went well. Her right ear was a little blocked but nothing like it was last time so that is good. We go back in a month to check on it again. Hopefully this time it is clear. We also saw the GI doctor and he said to keep her on the prevacid and see him again in September. That was pretty much it, so we were happy because the appointments were short and well.

Tonight Callie and Dan (Steve's cousin and boyfriend) are going to baby-sit Abbey because Steve, Me, Mitch, Jodie, Jeff and Jenny are going to the Saints game for Mitch's birthday. Tomorrow Kate is coming to take Abigail's 9 month pictures just a couple weeks late but don't tell! Heh! Then tomorrow evening Grandma Margaret and Grandpa Dan are watching Abbey so we can go to a movie. Then on Sunday we head up to Como Park for a Walk on the Wild Side with the Kartaks. It is a 5K walk, run or stroll. So we have a busy weekend but it is going to be fun. Hopefully the rain holds off for tonight. That is all I have for now but I will have a ton of pictures after this weekend I am sure.

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