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(12/17/2007) 12/17/2007

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Well we are still watching Monsters Inc everyday at least a couple times! At least it is that movie because it could be worse. Abbey has been dancing a lot lately to Christmas music we got some good videos of her dancing. If she doesn't like the song she will say no and tell you to change it. She has been talking up a storm lately. She can say pretty much everything and she now says blanket for her blanket instead of kiki and candy instead of didi. Speaking of candy today she choked on an m&m and it was SOOOO scary!! I called Steve to come home and help me but she got it out. Thank goodness! She was crying like crazy after she got it out and while she was crying she was saying "chew chew"! That is what we always tell her!! She also runs around counting and saying the alphabet it is so cute! She loves looking at all of our Christmas cards too she asks "who is that" over and over again. She also really likes watching the movies on Simon and Gus' website. Her favorite is the cow movie and then the car movie, but now I think we found a new favorite the alligator and giraffe movie. Right now she is on a cereal kick the only cereal she will eat is Cinnamon Life. (One of my favorites too) She calls it cinnamon and she eats at least 3 bowls of it a day. Heh! When she goes to bed or down for a nap she always wants me to bring Alice with so she like having her little sister around all the time. It is cute! As for Alice she is such a good baby! She likes to look at herself in the mirror and she is getting bigger everyday! It will be such a great Christmas this year with both the girls!

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