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(08/07/2007) 08/07/2007 - sleeping change

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Well we have made a few changes around here the last couple of nights. We took the rocker out of Abbey's room, today I took down the fish tank and Abbey now has a big girl bed! And I have a bed on Abbey's floor. We decided to change her bed because she hasn't been sleeping so I thought that I would make these changes now and hopefully she would get use to them before the baby comes. Sunday night was a nightmare! She was up off and on from 2:00 to 4:45 and then I was up until 5:30 trying to figure out what was going on! Not a good night! Last night was better. She feel out of her bed 3 times but she went right back to sleep maybe because I was there I am not sure. We now have a side rail so that should solve the falling out of bed part. :) I am going to sleep on her floor again and probably for a week or two until she is back on track with her sleeping. Hopefully it doesn't take that long. Tonight she crawled up in her bed when we were done reading books so I thought that was a good sign. It is getting better. So hopefully the rest of the night goes well too. Other than that we are just hangin out.

Baby #2 Updates:


I am 33 1/2 weeks.

I had an appointment last week it was a quick one. He listened to the heartbeat and measured my belly and that was really about it. Now I start going every 2 weeks so I go next Tuesday for another visit. Our doctor doesn't seem to be concerned at all about a VBAC so that is nice. I had said to him that I would probably schedule a C-section if my blood pressure went up again and he told me even if that happened it wouldn't be necessary for me to do that. So I am definitely going to go that way! I am so glad! He also told me the last few VBACs he has had he delivered himself too and that they went well. I will update more as it gets closer! Only 6 1/2 more weeks! YEAH!!

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