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(09/02/2007) 09/02/2007

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Well it has been about a year since I updated! Sorry! Heh! Abbey's birthday was great! She was such a good girl and she loved opening her presents! They were awesome. Happy Birthday to Simon tomorrow and Bapa Dave yesterday! We have been busy of course around here but it is also hard to get to the computer unless Abbey is sleeping so that is part of the reason. On Friday morning when I was changing Abbey's diaper I noticed that her ear had dried blood in it. It was bleeding at some point during the night and so we went to the doctor because they wanted to see her but we didn't get anywhere there! We sat there for 1 1/2 hours because they couldn't see into her ear and only a ENT could clean it out. So they prescribed us ear drops and wanted us to check into urgent care the next day. We didn't go on Saturday to urgent care but we will go have her checked on Tuesday so I will know more then. Hopefully it isn't anything big. We went to play volleyball or Abbey did with Bapa Dan's team she had a lot of fun. We have some pictures but they aren't the greatest because we were in the gym. Abbey is doing a lot better in her big girl bed last night she actually didn't wake up. That was a first in a long time. And now when she does wake up she either plays a little with her doll house or knocks on the door and says Mama. She is falling asleep a lot quicker too. So that is nice. Hopefully she has it all down by the time the baby gets here.

Baby #2 Updates:


I am 37 weeks. 3 weeks to go! I can't believe how fast it went! I don't think I will be early but I am hoping that I am not too late. :) I have been feeling great and my blood pressure is really good. I go weekly now so I go to the doctor again on Tuesday. I will let you know of any big changes but I don't feel like anything has changed since last week. My cervix was closed as of last Tuesday so I am sure it will be the same but I probably won't have him check either.

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