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(06/14/2007) 06/14/2007

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Well it has been awhile again! Of course! Abbey had a genetics appointment on June 1st. Everything went well she is on the chart and growing so we don't have to go back for a year. Yeah. She also went for an echo on Monday and that went well too. Other than the fact that she hates being at the doctor! Grandma Margaret came with and we actually got her to calm down during the echo which is pretty amazing! So all is well in that area. Abbey hasn't been sleeping very well the last couple nights. Last night she was up and screaming for a few hours. It was not fun! She is getting some teeth in so I am sure that is waking her up. I am hoping tonight goes a lot better than last night! Last weekend we had the Walk on the Wild Side 5K with the Kartaks it was a lot of fun. Abbey was of course very busy the whole day. She loved the stroller ride and then we had a bbq in the park after. It was a good time. We have been playing in her little pool the last couple of days since it has been so hot. She loves it. This weekend Grandma Jan, Grandpa Jeff, Auntie Beth, Oliver and Uncle Mitch are coming over. We are going to the Brewers/Twins game at the dome and then everyone is coming here. It should be a good time! I only have a few pictures to add I will try to do that tomorrow.

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