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(10/31/2007) 10/31/2007

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Happy Halloween!! I am getting caught up on the pictures for sure. I am at the date of October 14th. Yikes I still have half a month to go. :) Anyways Abbey has been so cute with Alice lately. She will put her nuk in if she is fussy or get me to put it in. And yesterday Alice was in our room and she didn't have her blanket and Abbey ran and got it and covered her up. It was sooooo cute! We are heading to EC tomorrow to visit, Steve is going deer hunting hopefully he gets a big one! It should be a fun weekend. They haven't seen Alice for almost a month she is already changing a lot. Tonight Grandma JoAnn is bringing over pizza before we go trick-or-treating. Hopefully Abbey wants to wear her costume! We will go to a few houses in our neighborhood and then go to Grandma Margaret's and then to Great Grandma Helen's. And if it works our and Abbey cooperates we are going to Bruce and Denise's. Abbey is a little afraid of Bruce so we will see how long we can stay there. :)

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