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(04/02/2007) 04/02/2007

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Well this is long overdue!! It has been way too long since I updated! We had a great time in Mexico and Abbey did great with Grandma Linda! She was a good girl! They went to the zoo and shopping and hung out! She started crawling into her toy bin while we were gone and she would sit in there and then say all done. Pretty cute! Abbey was very happy to see us when we got home she was taking a little nap with Grandma so she was a little shy at first but she got over it. She started grabbing our finger when she wants to show us something so she pulls us to where she wants to go and then grunts usually. Hopefully I can remember all the new things she is doing since I don't update enough I forget some things. She is finally saying please and thank you she started saying those last week, it is pretty cute if she really wants something she will say and sign please. Grandma Jan thought her how to sign bird so she does that all the time too it is very cute! If she gets an owie she says it and then she wants you to kiss it. She says geese because they are in our pond usually in the morning. We have a busy weekend Saturday there is an Easter egg hunt at the park and then on Sunday we have a few places to go to visit family. So it should be exciting! Happy Easter!

Baby #2 Updates:


We had another appointment last week and it went well. I am almost 16 weeks. He didn't get the heartbeat so we went into ultrasound to take a peak and everything was fine the placenta is in front so that is why he didn't hear it. Our next appointment in May 7th and we will get to find out what we are having! I am so excited for that! I have been feeling much better but I still sometimes feel nauseous. This pregnancy is so different compared to Abbeys.

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