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(09/16/2007) 09/16/2007

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We had a very busy weekend but Abbey was sooooo good! We were in the parade on Saturday and she loved every second of it! We had some BIG tubs of candy so she had plenty of goodies to eat! She waved to all the people and she would say Hi people while she was doing it! It was so cute! We watched Steve for a little bit when he was in the water fights but she was way more interested in the park. Today we went to a bridal shower for Steve's cousin and she ran around the gym at the church to keep busy. She is always busy. She likes to empty out her pj drawer in her dresser over and over again. And when she puts them away she does it one pair at a time and shuts the drawer after everyone too. It is cute when it starts to get full she has to make sure all of the pjs are totally in the drawer and the drawer is shut before she will go get another pair. It is hilarious. We start our ECFE classes again this week. We go every Thursday and then in October we go to a Music Beat class every Wednesday for 6 weeks! I think she will love it!

Baby #2 Updates:


I have less than a week before my due date and I am pretty sure this one isn't going to come early! I went to the doctor on Thursday and there was no change. So we will see this week. I go on Wednesday. Everything else is great so that is good.

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