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(05/13/2007) 05/13/2007

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Happy Mother's Day everyone! We are in Montana and having a great time and staying VERY busy! It has been so hot here it has been in the 80's or upper 70's. Abbey has been sleeping soooooo GREAT!! I just lay her in her crib and then tell her goodnight and have her blow me a kiss and that is it. No crying at all. She has been sleeping in until 9:00 or 9:30 also. Which is 10:00 or 10:30 MN time. It is soooooo awesome! She had a nap yesterday that was 3 hours but the other days we have been here she hasn't had one and she has been such a good girl! Maybe because we are keeping so busy. On Wednesday we went to the store and I took the kids to the park to play for a little while. On Thursday we went Greenough Park it is soooo beautiful there we walked on the trail and then stopped so the kids could play a little too. Friday we were at the store again and I took the kids to Great Grandma & Grandpa's house they had a great time there. Simon was on the tire swing and Abbey was obsessed with stairs and the little pond they had in the backyard. Yesterday was a fun day. We were in the Wild Walk Parade we carried a banner for Walking Stick Toys it was fun. Then we were at Caras Park after where they had music and a bunch of other activities. Today we are just hanging out. It is cloudy today so it isn't as warm but it is still nice. We plan on hanging out at Erika's and not doing anything. Tomorrow we are at the store again and then Tuesday we head home! Time goes by too fast while we are here! So it has been an AWESOME trip so far! I will add pictures when we get home. You can check some out on Simon & Gus's website (www.simonandaugust.com). Abbey misses her Dada she asks about him everyday so she will be very excited to see him!

Baby #2 Updates:


Well we had an ultrasound on Monday and we aren't sure what we are having. We tried but no luck. The ultrasound tech said she thinks it is a girl but only 75% sure. So not too high. She didn't see any boy parts but also didn't see any girl parts. So it is a mystery. Everything else looks great! I will add a couple pictures from the ultrasound too. So for now we will go with girl and bring up some of Abbey's clothes and make changes if we need to after the baby is born.

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