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(03/01/2007) Finally a new entry!!!

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Okay it has been A LONG TIME!!! I know!! Abbey and I were pretty sick last week and it lasted about a week so it wasn't fun at all! Too long to not feel well! So we stayed at home and didn't go anywhere for a week! Abbey's nose is still running but she is a lot better. She figured out how to pick her nose the other night. It was actually pretty funny! She kept taking her finger out and putting it back in. Heh! Yesterday we went to the Mall of America with Grandma Jan and Grandpa Jeff. They came to the cities to pick up Great Grandma and Grandpa they were getting back from Mexico! So we hung out at the mall for the day. Hannah (our neighbor) came with us too so she had a good time on all the rides. Abbey did a lot of running around she was pretty much in charge and Grandma or Grandpa would chase her! That is pretty much everything that is new. We haven't been doing a whole lot lately so we don't have a lot to share. Once it gets warmer hopefully we will get out more! Heh!

Baby #2 Updates:

We had our first appointment February 20th. It went really well. We didn't hear the baby's heartbeat but he did take a quick look at the baby and we got a picture too! I will scan it and add it to the website. The heart was beating and we saw the little one! He said my due date is September 23rd a day later than I thought so somewhere around there. He also said there should be no reason why I couldn't have a normal birth or VBAC with this baby too. So I am excited about that. Our next appointment isn't for 5 weeks so I will update again on Baby #2 then!

Visit Simon & Gussy's website at www.simonandaugust.com - We are waiting patiently for August! Can't wait to see you!!!

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