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(09/28/2007) Baby on the Way!!!

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Auntie Erika here...

As you can probably guess there is a reason I'm writing instead of the Mama. The baby is officially on the way! Things started happening yesterday. Melissa said she was having contractions on and off all day, and they got a bit stronger during dinner. Then she started having pretty regular contractions by 9 last night. And at 10 they started timing them. This was followed by a shower at midnight and a call to Grandma Margaret. They left the house at 12:20 for the hospital. Grandma Margaret has Abbey and Mama and Papa are at the hospital until Alice is here. Melissa had an epidural at approx. 3AM and was able to get some sleep. She's dilated to a 4 or a 6, the doctor says one thing and the nurse says another. She just called me, (8:30 AM) and she's going to try and get some more rest. She doesn't really know how long they'll let her go, they broke her bag of waters, so she's kind of on a tight schedule now. The baby's heart rate is fine and Melissa is fine, so things are going well. The baby ought to be here today sometime? Maybe? I'll keep you posted whenever Melissa calls, so keep checkin' back!

11:30 Update: I just talked to Melissa again and she'd dilated to 9 now, they think. She's been sleeping some more and the baby's head is really low now, so they said they'd let her labor down until 2 or 3ish and then probably let her start pushing. Sounds like things are going pretty well. Melissa sounded good just tired. She's thirsty and kind of hungry but they won't let her eat or drink...nothing of substance anyway. Steve was on his way to get her a gatorade and some sprees to suck on. Hopefully they'll let her drink that. She's only been able to have ice chips. boo. She sounded positive though, things are going well...and she's doing great! I'll let you know as soon as I hear more! We're at the store if you want/need to talk to me. Melissa would prefer you didn't call her right now, since she's resting.

Update 12:57: She's pushing!

Update 1:57: I just talked to Bapa Jeff and she's still pushing. Bapa said that he'd heard there was about 2 inches of head showing. So she's coming!

Update 2:06: Still pushing - getting close! (text message from them)

2:51 - well actually 3:51 - I just realized I've been doing the times wrong all day....I'm in MT. She's born! She's here! She's good and healthy and I got to hear her first cries over the phone! Bapa Jeff held the phone inside the door of the delivery room. She did it! She had a VBAC and pushed that baby out! Someone said she's double the size of Abbey. Not really probably. We know she's a girl. I guess Melissa asked to see her "parts". heh. And we don't know how much she weighs yet. I'll be sure and update as soon as I know. I don't know the exact time, Bapa thought 3:51.

I just got a pix message of her and she's gorgeous! Yay! I'll let you know as soon as I know more. Everyone seems to be doing really well though! YAY!

Update Tonight: So everyone is doing well. Baby Alice Margaret Kartak was 7 lbs, 12 oz, 20 ¾ inches at birth. She is doing really really well! She's nursing like a champ and Mama Kartak is doing great too! I just talked to her and she's going to take a bath and is just a bit sore. She pushed that baby out though! Good job Mama! That's hard hard work! I'll add a few pictures and there will be more tomorrow. Goodnight!

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