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(09/29/2007) 09/29/2007 Auntie Erika Update

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Still Auntie Reporting.

Everything is going well. Abbey got to go meet her baby sister today and she loved her,, and can say her name, but she hated the hospital. Abbey was pretty sure she was there to get her ears checked. She said a lot of "no, no, no, nos" on the way in the door. Poor thing.

They've had a lot of visitors today. Everything is still going well. The baby is great! Melissa is great! Abbey didn't stay long, kind of in and out, just to say hello and meet her sis and get the heck out of that hospital. heh.

They are coming home tomorrow, they could've come home today but decided to stay another night.

Auntie Beth gave Alice her first bath last night and there are some pictures, but we won't have those pictures until tonight, so be on the lookout! There are a few new pictures from today, and I'm sure there will be an influx of them by tomorrow night after the family is home.

PS You can always check in the "news" section if you'd like to see what happened yesterday (in a bit of detail)!

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