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(09/11/2008) Sleep!!!!!

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Well Abbey is doing better, Alice did get a little cold but she is doing pretty well. They both aren't sleeping at all lately. Abbey is getting up more than Alice lately so the Kartak's haven't been getting a whole lot of sleep so I am usually in bed pretty early. That is part of the reason I haven't put pictures up. Oh yeah and the pictures are all mixed up also so sorry about that after I get them all up you will know what I mean.

Alice started blowing kisses and giving a lot of kisses it is pretty cute. She makes the kissing noise even if she doesn't quite give you a kiss. She loves to pull around her pull toys too it is cute.

Abbey is definitely 3 we were told 3 is worse than 2 and I think we are seeing that. She has been pretty sassy lately and she is also really attached to Mama too. We are hoping it is still from her being sick but she is starting to feel better and the sassy and whining hasn't gotten any better. We are working on it. She is sweet and she is so great with Alice. That is all for tonight I will work on pictures! Sorry!

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