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(10/22/2008) Corn Maze

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It has been awhile! We had a great trip down to Madison Oct 11. The girls did great with Grandma Margaret and Grandpa Dan they went to the pumpkin patch so Abbey got to go on the pony ride she was suppose to go on when we went. She loved it. They would have gone on some more adventures but it started to rain. This past weekend we went to the corn maze in Shakopee it was so much fun. The girls loved it they played in a corn pit, watched a magician and saw a lot of animals. We did go through the corn maze too but just a short trip through it because Abbey was getting hungry. Their were pig races too but it was pretty crowded so we didn't make our way over. We don't have too much going on this weekend we are going to an ECFE Halloween kid party on Friday so the girls are going to get dressed up in their costumes it should be fun.

We recently got our family pictures taken here is the link http://sonrisa.smugmug.com/

and the password is melissa

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