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(10/05/2008) Pumpkins

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We had a fun weekend. On Saturday we went to lunch with Uncle Mitch and his girlfriend Megan. Then we went for a little walk by the lake before we had to head home. Steve and I played golf with the fire dept. it was a beautiful day. Today we went to the pumpkin patch. It was raining this morning so we didn't know if we would be able to go but it cleared up in time they were supposed to have pony rides but because of the rain they canceled the pony rides so maybe next weekend.

Alice loves her baths she sticks her head under the water and when Abbey gets out she flops around in there she thinks it is the best. She says ba for bath. She also says Abbey but she says Abba instead it is pretty cute.

Abbey has been saying a lot of funny things lately she is a character. She still hasn't been sleeping very well hopefully that changes soon it is not fun for Mama!

Grandpa Merlin is still in the ICU but doing a little better keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

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