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(02/20/2008) Finally an update

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Well it has been FOREVER since I updated! Sorry! I haven't really been that busy I just haven't taken that many pictures. Alice started rolling over yesterday! She did it in Abbey's room. She will be crawling before we know it. Abbey has been so fun lately too. She is talking so much. So that part is fun! I will have to come back and finish updating while the girls are napping. They aren't too happy I am updating right now. :)

Okay really I have been bad at updating. Alice got sick on Monday night at midnight. She threw up in our bed and then on me. Then I tired to lay her back down and she tried to throw up but didn't have anything left in her! So we slept in the living room, well she slept not me. Poor girl. It was the first time she was sick. Abbey's favorite thing to say in cute but she says it to everything even if it isn't cute! It is pretty funny. We are staying inside because it is so cold out so we don't have anything too exciting going on. We hope for warmer weather so we can start going on walks!

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