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(02/04/2008) Alice 4 months

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Alice weighed in at 14lbs 3oz at her appointment on Friday! Yeah Alice! So her height, weight and head were all in the 50-75 percentile! So she is doing well! We had a really fun time in EC we got to see so many people which was nice. On Wednesday night we saw Great Grandma Judy, Great Grandpa Ed, Great Aunt Jane, Great Aunt Jean, Taylor, Sarah, Auntie Beth and Ollie. Of course Grandma & Grandpa too. It was GG Judy's Birthday so we had a fun little party for her. The next night Great Aunt Karen, Great Uncle Marty (Marnee Abbey calls him), Great Uncle Kim, Auntie Beth & Oliver came over and we had dinner with them. So it was nice to see everyone. Abbey actually slept really well while we were there too. She started out Wednesday night with Grandma & Grandpa but at about 12:30am she was downstairs with me & Alice. So I put her in the pack and play and she liked it. She called it her bed and slept in it the rest of the night and then took a long nap in it and slept in it again the next night without getting up. So that was nice for me. We finally found a place Abbey likes to sleep when we aren't at home. Last night Jeff, Jenny, Lily, Mitch, Jodie & Triston came over to watch the Super Bowl. It was fun to have all the kids together they were all so good. The game was fun to watch also. This week we aren't doing a whole lot just hanging out at home and we actually for once don't have anything going on or planned for the weekend. So just a lot of time for relaxing. Nice!!

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