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(05/26/2008) Potty!!!

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Abbey is potty trained. Yeah! It has been almost a week. Last Monday morning she wanted to wear her big girl underwear and from then on she has done great. She had 2 accidents the first two days right after her nap that is it. The last 4 days she hasn't had any! YEAH!! She does still wear diapers at night but in the morning her diapers have been pretty dry. The other day when Steve and Abbey were outside Steve said it was time to go in and she said 10 minutes! Pretty funny! We usually tell her 5 minutes she bumped it up to 10. Heh. Alice is all over the place. She pulls herself up on EVERYTHING! She is saying Mama but I am not sure if she knows what exactly she is saying. Alice does the sign for all done but now we aren't sure if she thinks it means more too. But the other day she got into Cody's dog food and I grabbed her and took 3 pieces out of her mouth and after I got it out she did the sign for more. Yuck! I am not sure why both of our kids like Cody's dog food but oh well. Alice has been sleeping in her crib at night too for the most part. She still wakes up but I feed her and put her back in her crib. It is nice to have more space in our bed! I am pretty sure I see Alice's bottom teeth coming in too and that would definitely explain why she has been a little more crabby lately too. I will let you know when it breaks through! Grandpa Dave and Grandma Janet came on Thursday night and we had dinner and then everyone came to watch my first volleyball game of the summer. They headed to WI on Friday morning and they come back this evening but they fly home tonight so we won't see them for too long. We have had a nice Memorial weekend it has been pretty relaxing. Friday I went out with the girls for a little while we had a bonfire at Natalie's house. Saturday we did some things in the yard and Jeff, Jenny, Lily, Margaret, Dan, Cherry, Dick, Chris, Cherie, Hannah and Madelyn came over for a fire in our new firepit. It was fun! It started raining at about 10:00 but Jeff, Jenny, Steve and I did end up going back out until about 1:30am! It was nice. Yesterday we went to Uncle Larry's fish fry he has it every year. Alice was pretty cranky because she was tired so we only stayed a couple hours but it was nice to see everyone. Plus Steve and I were pretty tired too. This week and weekend we aren't doing anything! Happy Memorial Day and if I don't update before Wednesday Happy Birthday to Auntie Erika!!

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