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(02/23/2010) Bead

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Well I am completely caught up on pictures EXCEPT the pictures that are on the camera! Not bad! I will hopefully get February done before the month is over!

Well it happened one of our kids stuck a bead up her nose and it was....ALICE of course! She did it last week and we just had to take her to her regular doctor and he was able to get it out with a little pushing and crying. The doctor pushing the bead and Alice crying of course but she didn't cry until he was trying to get it out. After she put it in her nose she came down the hall screaming I thought she got punched in the nose but no. She told me she put a bead up there and I could see it and I could tell she had something in her nose. I tried to get it out but she kept sucking in so I called her doctor and when I told her that she stopped crying and said she wanted to watch a movie like it was cool she had a bead in her nose and it would be okay if it just stayed there! Anyways she came home with her bead in a bag and a laffy taffy. :) That is the excitement for now.

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