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(06/17/2011) Another tooth, haircuts, cabin & summer fun.

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Baby #3 is a BOY!! We found out the end of May! We are all very excited the girls were yelling all the way out of the appointment because they were so excited that it was a boy! It was cute! We have been spending a lot of time at the cabin and loving it! The girls and I were there most of last week. Grandma and Oliver came on the SUPER HOT days and it was fun but the leaches decided to come out. Oliver had one and the next morning Abbey got one after only being in the water for 2 minutes! YUCK! We played at a super fun beach on the hot days and made sand castles and found a big crazy bug!

The week before Abbey finished her last year of Preschool! She made a graduation hat and they had their annual bike parade. Now it is Alice’s turn for Preschool and Abbey is off to kindergarten! The girls also finished gymnastics for the year and they got little certificates and had cookies and lemonade. They will start again in August we are taking the summer off.

We have had some hot days and had some fun playing in the sprinkler and just being outside. We went to the zoo and saw the baby farm animals and they are starting the dolphin show again too. Grandma Margaret retired this year so we had a few parties for her, the girls were very social at the party it was pretty cute.

The girls got really cute haircuts yesterday they chopped off most of their hair which will be nice for the summer! I forgot my camera so I didn’t get any action shots but I will take some pictures of them and get them up on the website. Next weekend we are heading to the cabin again this time Grandma Margaret and Grandpa Dan are going to come and check out the place! Then the following weekend Grandma Linda will be coming to visit! She hasn’t been here for awhile so we are excited. After that we are heading again to the cabin for a week and that will be over the 4th of July! So you won’t be seeing an update until after that! Big surprise right! Oh yeah Abbey lost another tooth she is on a roll! She let me pull it out right before we left for Eau Claire and because we were at Grandma and Grandpa’s house the Toothfairy left some extra money! Lucky Abbey! Well that is about it for now keep checking back for pictures!

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